Vaccines are Dangerous

The Government Says So!

'Finally! The mainstream admits that vaccines are dangerous and cause certain side effects, sometimes serious ones! AP writer Lauran Neergaard
did not have the nerve to put in print that the rare but really serious
side effects include death but we can rest assured and trust (not
really—I am being sarcastic here) the Institute of Medicine’s assertion
that there is no link between vaccines and with autism and type-1

According to the first comprehensive safety review in 17 years
(required by law) the side effects that doctors long have known about,
such as fever-caused seizures and occasional brain inflammation are risks parents take every time they take their kids in for shots.


“All health care interventions, however, carry the possibility of risk and vaccines are no exception,” said pediatrician and bioethicist Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton of Vanderbilt University, who chaired the institute panel. The Institute of Medicine found convincing evidence of 14 side effects:'


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