Are you a morning person?

Recently, Holly @ Rust Belt Runner had a post about how she's becoming a morning person, HERE. It made me think about how I've come to love mornings (most days).

I start most days at 4:40am, get dressed & get out the door to bootcamp, the gym or a run.
clothes laid out, ready to go!
I lay my clothes out the night before to avoid turning on a light to wake Kevin, and to save time. Usually I get back around 6:30, and head straight to the shower. After that I'm usually loading/unloading the dishwasher, making lunch & breakfast, sometimes throwing in a load of laundry. I like to clean as much as I can, and get things organized so its not a disaster when I get home from work.
morning cleanup
Then its time for makeup while I watch the today show, and a quick blowdry to the hair. Clothes are easy for me, since I wear scrubs every day. If I have extra time, I'll look through a blog or two before I leave.

When I get home , I'm exhausted! Work is stressful & physically demanding at times, so I like to relax on the couch or make dinner. I'm looking forward to rides on the trainer this fall/winter after work while I watch my DVRd shows.

I wasn't always a morning person, it started maybe 4 or so years ago, when a coworker suggested working out in the morning. At first I laughed at the idea, but soon I was starting my day off with a workout and it felt good. I have the energy from the workout to carry me through until about 3pm.

Are you an Early Bird?
How do you start your day?

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morning routine

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