September 26, 2011
NATOMAS, CA – 'Natomas school officials are going door to door with a traveling nurse to give whooping cough shots to unvaccinated students.
A new state law requires students entering seventh through 12th grades to get vaccinated against the disease by the start of the 2011-12 school year.
The legislature gave districts 30 days beyond the start of the school year to make sure all students were vaccinated or had a formal exemption filed by their parents or guardians.
As the deadline passes, thousands of students remain unvaccinated. Many school districts have been defying state law and allowing them on campus.'
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COMMENT: This outrageous video shows the intimidation tactics of the system being ramped up to once again trick parents into vaccine compliance with the hoax that vaccinations are required (when there is and has been a waiver, as well as a natural right, allowing parents to opt out). Now, by going door to door, the system is tip-toeing towards coercive vaccinations, while the media lapdog readily portrays these parents as negligent and the students as truant (when the student in this video was evidently enrolled in some form of independent study). Will CPS next travel in tandem with the school officer and the traveling doctor? Alex Jones will cover this and other aspects of this deceptive and harmful story in a special report tomorrow. Tune into the Infowars Nightly News for more.'
Natalie Sentz
Lessons Not Learned: More Than 60% of Americans Still Plan On
Getting Flu Vaccine?
'After all the accessible information available to the U.S. population on the dangers of vaccines, new survey data shows the message may not be getting through to the majority of people. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults plan to be vaccinated against the flu this season.
Since the source of the survey comes from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the results may certainly be skewed, exaggerated or purposely and maliciously erroneous to convince the population of compliance. The opposite may be true. Recall a poll during the 2009 H1N1 scare where 1,678 U.S. parents were interviewed by the University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, and only 40% said they would get their children immunized against the H1N1 virus.'
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