Around the house...

My new favorite wall in my house...

Want a close up?

"You don't know, until you try"
so true.
Many of us wouldn't be where we are today without giving something a try that we never thought possible. Seeing this reminds me to keep trying, working hard, and go after my goals. I can never say can't unless I've truly tried and exhausted all possibilities.

This is my new Allied Steel Medal Display that I finally hung up after winning it from Watch MeGo Run! Joel helped me create a custom hangar that I absolutely love. I can't wait to add my new medal on saturday to it!

From Whooha gear
This is the picture I have framed above it (my picture had a glare, so this is from the website). I bought it at my last Tri of the season and LOVED it. I found a great long sleeve tee that I bought from them as well.

I love to have things around the house to motivate me. What's on my list?
1. My medal display & Tri wall
2. My race schedule on the fridge
3. My clothes laid on the dresser the night before
4. My "hat" hangar on the closet door that only holds 1 or 2 hats, but mostly running headbands
5. My supply of Stinger waffles and chews by my running gear
6. Your blogs to check in with on the computer and iphone
7. My foam roller in the living room
8. My bike & trainer in the living room/dining room
9. New packages arriving in the mail often with new running gear and fun things
10. magazines and flyers for more races!

What motivates you around the house?

I have to admit, I did miss this morning's run. I had about 5 nightmares last night, and thought sleeping in would be better. Plus, I think in the long run it will help my calf for saturday's half marathon. Did I mention I bit the bullet & bought new black CEP socks, so I now have a pair to match every outfit. They have become a must have for me.

Tonight we worked on our plan for our big Halloween bash! Remember last year's fun?

I cannot wait!

What are your Halloween plans?

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