Chemtrails Exposed


 Photo Credit: The Intel Hub

'According to all United States federal government organizations, chemtrails do not exist and/or are a conspiracy theory. They claim that the white lines in the sky stretching from horizon to horizon are normal jet contrails.

Somehow, I assume using theoretical physics, these contrails can first appear as small white lines high in the sky then, over the course of hours, expand as they float down to earth first creating small clouds and finally a haze. This is exactly what is happening.

They were spraying us something fierce today above San Francisco. They often do it before a weather front is coming in. There were lines in every direction, a big X in the sky and then the inevitable haziness.

Everybody saw it. Many people knew what it was. Many do not want to realize it, so they may never. If you want to be a good slave, I’m sure you will bend over and take the easy way out.'

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