Shoe success

Learning to walk is a monumental process. After weeks – and sometimes months – of crawling or scooting around, then “cruising” while holding onto furniture, taking those first steps changes the life of a child – and the adults around him/her!

As a parent, it’s my responsibility to give my kids the best start in life – including orthopedically sound walking shoes. So now that my daughter is an official toddler, it was time to take the plunge…

Arley, Nana (my Mom) and I went on our first multi-generational shopping trip!  We landed at a reputable children’s shoe store – the same brand my parents bought for my younger brother and myself – and proceeded to check out the inventory.

Granted, this was Arley’s first shoe-shopping experience – but she was not exactly an ideal shopper. From hysterically crying when the salesperson attempted to measure her foot to grabbing multiple shoes off the shelves and teetering around the store, this girl didn’t know what hit her!

Once we finally found a pair she liked, I spent quite a pretty penny (including the $7 pair of socks because I didn’t realize I needed to bring her own!). But the assurance that she will develop positive walking habits and that her little tootsies will stay in pristine condition was reason enough for me. Plus, they are really cute – they’ve each got a sweet little face on the tongue that made my baby girl smile.

When it comes to matters of importance, what do you splurge on for your kiddos?

Mandy Forbus is a Sr. Marketing Specialist at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Hurst Euless Bedford,  and mother of two mobile kids these days.

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