First trip without baby

The countdown to Vegas has officially begun.

Four days from now, Nick and I will be strolling around the shops in the Venetian while I sip my favorite Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf beverage and we leisurely saunter by the stores where the beautiful people shop.

I am looking forward to our trip with very mixed emotions. Though it will be a welcome vacation – we haven’t had one for more than 18 months – it will be our first time to be away from Ava.

Thankfully, at six months old, Ava has not yet begun suffering separation anxiety. She loves her sitter, who will be staying with her while we are gone. Her regular routine will be intact – going to daycare on Friday and Monday and staying home over the weekend. Grammy and Grandaddy plan to visit, as well as her aunt, uncle and cousins. I am thankful to have family so close by; I take comfort knowing she will see their familiar faces. But I will miss her terribly, and I worry about how she will react when she wakes up each morning to someone else’s face.

We will only be gone a few days, but something tells me it will feel like much longer. My husband reminds me almost daily that we need some time away to refresh, rejuvenate, refuel, and ultimately have more to offer Ava when we return home. I know he’s right. And yet a part of me wishes we could take her with us.

When I suggested to Nick that we bring Ava and her sitter along for the trip, he furrowed his brow and said, “What are we, the Rockefellers?” Unfortunately, we are not. But who knows? Maybe we will hit the jackpot in Vegas so on future getaways, we can travel with an entourage.

Rachel Raya is director of Internal Stakeholder Communications for Texas Health Resources and is happy for any tips ahead of her first post-baby getaway.

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