Iodine Protects Against Fluoride Toxicity

'The toxicity of modern life is impacting iodine levels and in the countries that fluoridate their water this impact is maximized. It is well known that the toxic halides: fluoride and bromide, having structure similar to iodine, can competitively inhibit iodine absorption and binding in the body. 


All the halogens use the same receptors in the body so fluoride’s danger for people is centered in great part on this fact. Americans and Brazilians, who are more exposed to fluoride than other populations, have a desperate need for more iodine. 

Taking iodine in its nascent form is not only the best way to increase iodine levels in the safest and most effective way possible for adults and children whose thyroids are already compromised, but it will also greatly aid in ridding the body of dangerous fluoride, bromide, chlorine, perchlorates and heavy metals.

In our age of increasing radioactivity and toxic poisoning specifically with fluoride,[1] chlorine, bromide, and even mercury, iodine is a necessary mineral.'


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