Michael Schmidt reads his letter to McGuinty following a Queen's Park news conference last month.
'It's been a good week for the emerging Food Rights movement. Today, day 37 of dairy farmer Michael Schmidt's hunger strike, he met with Ontario's premier, Dalton McGuinty. It seems Schmidt was meeting with the premier's chief of staff this morning, when McGuinty decided to join in. According to one report, McGuinty reiterated Ontario's opposition to raw milk. No matter. Schmidt can now toast his achievement with a tall cool one. (Actually, word is he had a few sips of soup at lunch to begin breaking his fast.)'
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- U.S. citizens urged to speak up for Michael Schmidt and food freedom
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- Not your grandma’s milk
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food freedom
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governemnt intimidation of raw milk farmers
- Declaration of Food Independence unveiled today in Wisconsin; signed by Vernon Hershberger and others
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- Amish raw milk dairyman Dan Allgyer shuts down his farm in the face of FDA harassment and court injunction
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- Ontario farmer convicted in raw milk case launches hunger strike
- Not your grandma’s milk
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- The War on Raw: Your nanny state boils the milk, but you don’t have to drink it
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