Thanksgiving & week 9 & 10 Recap!

                                                                Source: via Alana on Pinterest

Without goals set in place for myself... I feel lost. I need to have that motivation of the future to keep me striving to become better. A better runner, better with my nutrition, better with a healthy lifestyle. I had thanksgiving goals set in place for me thanks to Krystal @ Bia Fitness:
1. Bake a Healthy and nutrient dense dish (side or dessert) for festivities. DONE! My sweet potato casserole was a big hit!
2. Engage in 45 min of exercise the morning of. DONE! Manchester Road Race in 48 min with the family.
3. Eat breakfast the morning of the festivities. DONE! Pre race breakfast of my usual toast with PB & banana, then post race smoothie with whey protein, milk, and pumpkin.
4. Fill your 1st plate 1/2 full. go back for 2nds after 20 min and 20 oz of water, and NO seconds on unhealthy dishes. DONE! My plate was full with white turkey, sweet potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, and steamed carrots. No stuffing, white potatoes or rolls for me!
5. ALL leftovers out of the house after 5 days. Tomorrow I told Kevin I am throwing away whatever he doesn't eat before then. I've had my share of extra pumpkin pie.
6. Limit all alcohol consumption to 1 for the day. FAIL. Who can say no to wine??!!

What are your upcoming goals for the Holiday season?

All in all, it was a fabulous holiday. We had a blast at our 3rd time doing the Manchester Road Race, even getting my mom, Kevin & Jason's girlfriend to join in!
Kevin & I pre-race
Brother, Mom & Me pre-race!
This is a big Turkey Day race & it was the 75th year celebration. The race is capped at 15,000 every year. Every year it is an insane, mad dash of people throughout the entire race. There are so many people it is almost impossible to settle in at a good pace.
We saw my friend Amy & her mom all decked out after the finish!

The 15,000+ crowd!

Overall, the past 2 weeks have been tough marathon training wise, but I'm feeling encouraged, leading into this coming week. Especially with the little boost I got from doing well so far in the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge!

Marathon Training Week 9 & 10 Recap
Monday 11/14- Rest day! Much needed after a 15 miler the day before
Tuesday- Speedwork workout, a little tough with longer sprints.
Wednesday- TRX class
Thursday- Tempo Run 1mile easy, 4 miles Mid Tempo, 1 mile easy. Took a while to warmup to the run, but felt better about 3 miles in.
Friday - Skipped TRX... had to be at my birthday breakfast early!
Saturday - Skipped
Sunday - Planned on doing my longrun monday with my running parter, but she bailed on my and went sunday. Did a 60 min trainer ride instead.
Monday 11/21- Day off from work, planned 16 miles. I made the mistake of splitting it into 2, 8 mile loops. I stayed home after loop 1.
Tuesday- Speedwork with longer sprints. Tough to keep going, but I managed to finish! It was a great birthday morning run.
Wednesday- TRX class. I was actually able to do a single leg squat on my right leg for the first time without pain!
Thursday- 10 mile tempo planned. 4.77 mile Manchester Road Race instead. I was hoping to get another 5 in, but we just got home too late.
Friday- No TRX due to black friday... booo! Does christmas decorating after work count?
Saturday- Worked all day, then relaxed all night.
Sunday- 12 mile long run solo. Lots of stretch breaks and walk breaks, not a great pace. My knee is starting to finally feel better though!
My goal for this week is to get every single run in!
Nutrition- Not horrible, but not great. Weight Watchers at work ended, leaving me feeling a little stranded. The holiday and my birthday celebrations (3 so far, and 1 more to go), have thrown me a little off track. My goal is to eat clean and healthy all week, then splurge a little over the weekend for my 7 year anniversary and my work Holiday Party. wish me luck!

And don't forget to check out my Fuel Belt giveaway HERE!

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