The Power of Community. How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (sub español)

Editor's Note:'Although "Peak oil" is a hoax; the point of this documentary is to illustrate how community based solutions can lead to sustainable living beyond the predatory, Elite controlled, monopoly,power grid.


READ: Confessions of an "ex" Peak Oil Believer 

[Editor's Note: Jan. 22, 2008. 'If you've been following the Peak Oil scam since CIA family man Michael Ruppert helped launched this Tavistock disinformation campaign about four yeas ago in league with Ford Foundation-funded Amy Goodman , most Pacifica radio stations, NPR radio, and sundry mainstream outlets, you can realize just how satisfying it is to read an article titled "Confessions of an "ex" Peak Oil Believer." 

Thankfully, bulldog investigative journalist Dave McGowan jumped on this story early and hasn't released his iron jaw grip on Ruppert's thigh or that of any other downstream disinformation cohorts who have attempted to buttress the Peak Oil caper since Ruppert's ignominious flight from this country a couple of years ago. 

Of course, the Peak Oil hoax, along with its cousin Global Warming, is still in its ascendancy and we don't expect to soon hear mea culpas echoing from Nightline, Jim Leher, Charlie Rose, Frontline, or the growing ranks of Peak Oil promoting authors filling the talk show circuit on the radio or the internet, but it is a step in the right direction and should serve to remind readers that steadfastly holding to the facts, will eventually pierce the mind wash of propaganda, no matter how well funded or widely distributed it may be.' 


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