Week 7.... and tons of winners!

The knee pain won't give up.
The pain was edging me on during Sunday's long run, trying to get me to stop. I slowed down, but pushed through and got all 10 miles in. 
You only reach your limit when you can go no further.
Shelley and I talked on our run about the importance of getting our training runs in. She said she was afraid of not being able to finish the marathon. I told her that it wasn't an option. No matter how tired we are, or how much pain we're in on race day, we will finish. When we cross the finish, we may not be able to go any further. We may have reached our limit. But running, walking, crawling, we'll make it to the end.

I have been stretching, foam rolling, and hoping that it will disappear.
Go away knee pain!!

Marathon training week 7 recap
Monday- remember my 14 mile long run that I added to last week's update
Tuesday- With still no power, and sore legs from monday, I skipped my speedwork.
Wednesday- Headed to TRX. Only me and 1 other girl. Luckily power had come on at the studio the day before so we had lights to workout in. After TRX, I came home to a cold shower (worst decision ever), then went to work to get ready.
Thursday- The gym got power, yay!! planned 8 miles tempo, but only got 7 in with the time I had. Nice hot shower at the gym, fabulous!
Friday- After sleeping at my mom's house (she got power), I went to TRX and was the only one for the first 15 minutes until 1 other person showed up. Headed back to mom's house to get ready.
Saturday- Worked all day, then cried when I came home and the power still was not on. In the middle of my cryfest, my neighbor offered the electric guys weed & beer, and the power came on shortly after. No workout, but I CRANKED up the heat!!
Sunday- Long run with Shelley. We ran in South Hadley for 10 miles on a route she mapped with killer hills. Unfortunately killer hills, killed my right knee/leg, and I hobbled toward the end. The last half mile, Shelley finished up while I did laps around her condo complex to get to my 10. 
Nutrition- Went to hell this week. Being unable to eat my regular foods, and keep on track threw me way off. Even though I ate healthy, I'm thinking I may show a gain this week.

Not only did I FINALLY get my power back saturday, but I got cable & internet back today too!!
Shutterfly winners....
Cat B @ Chasing K(m)s

New Sparkly Soul winner (old one didn't get back to me)

email me to collect your prizes!!
sgrigely at hotmail dot com

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