'I highly recommend that people grow their own. Get your hands on a good growbook. Jorge Cervantes has a book out on hemp cultivation that really covers this subject, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible. Growing your own hemp will not only save you a lot of money, it also assures you about the quality of the material you intend to make the medicine from.
Many growers use poisons and pesticides that I don’t agree with, but if you grow it yourself, you are in control. High quality hemp seeds are quite easy to purchase in most places. Just go online. There are a large number of seed companies that can supply your needs.
Many provide a lot of information about the strain you are thinking of growing and its medicinal aspects. In general, if you want the best seeds, go to the seeds company that introduced the strain. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of strains available. But don’t be discouraged, there is one out there that is right for you. Often I tell people that smoke hemp, that if they like smoking it, then they will probably enjoy the effects of ingesting the oil made from it.'
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