Leach Aluminum from Your Body: Drink Silicon-Rich Water

'The video is a lecture given by Dr. Exley at the Vaccine Safety Conference on 4 November 2011. (You’ll see glimpses of Barbara Loe Fisher.) He focuses on what is known, and what is not known, about the effects of aluminum on the body. 

Towards the end, he explains that silicon can act to leach aluminum from the body, and that drinking silicon-rich mineral water can do the trick. He’s careful to point out that he isn’t a doctor and that no formal studies have been done. 

Nonetheless, he has experience of anecdotal evidence that indicates its effectiveness. In the video, Dr. Exley states that the brand name Volvic is the most silicon-rich brand he’s aware of. It’s common in the UK, and most assuredly is not one of the more expensive varieties. 

However, if you choose to buy it, be sure not to purchase one of their flavored waters, which can contain a host of nasty ingredients, including sucralose, acesulfame K, potassium benzoate, and that hider of nasties, “natural flavour”.'


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