Like clockwork, she’ll wake up early in the morning (yes, even on weekends) full of baby talk. That sing-song sound never ceases to make me smile. So what do I do? If I’m not already up, I’ll hug her, give her tons of kisses (she doesn’t mind my morning breath), talk to her and check her diaper. Her Dad will usually prepare her food, and then run in and shower her with kisses (and yes, I believe she thinks her Daddy’s breath smells worse than Mommy’s). But she seems to enjoy the attention – flashing us a toothless grin, along with that signature dimple on her right cheek.
And modern technology is keeping Nandi close to both sets of grandparents, who live in Colorado and Arkansas. Ah, the wonderful world of Skype has become a necessity for our family – it’s the one way Nandi’s grandparents can stay in-the-know, instead of asking us, “What did she wear today?” or “How did she feel today?” or “How much did she eat today?” They can see it with their own eyes, in real-time. We think that the little girl gets excited to see them, too. Her eyes zero in on the laptop monitor and she waits to hear words from her adoring fans (that’s what my husband calls our parents). One time she even put on a little dance (I think she did), but my husband said she was exercising so she could get rid of her gut. In any case, she rocked side to side moving her upper body from left to right, while throwing a hand up, every now and then. It was hilarious. I think my parents caught on to her enjoyment of technical gadgets, so they bought Nandi her very own baby computer (she has a tendency to bang on my husband’s keyboard when we Skype). You should see our little lady – her eyes light up and she bangs away on her own computer, while the toy sings ABC’s and 1-2-3’s.
But then there are days when little Nandi will give us a piece of her mind. I remember one day I had to take her to the pediatrician for a follow-up check on one of her many ear infections. She was singing (her version of singing) and babbling away in the backseat after we left the doctor’s office. I think she thought we were headed back home to play, but no; we were headed to daycare so I could go to work. So, as I drove up to the daycare and got out of the car, all of a sudden the babbling stopped. I opened the door to her daycare room and got ready to take her out of her car seat. The look she gave me was classic. She stared at me with pouting lips and turned her head to the side, like she didn’t want to see my face! I know she was thinking, “Woman if I could get out of this car seat myself, I’d slap you!” I can laugh about it now, but that wasn’t the case when it happened.
All in all, our Nandi is a happy, loving baby. But if she doesn’t like you or doesn’t want to be bothered with you, she’ll let you know. One of her daycare providers told me, “Nandi is such a joy to have here – she’s full of personality! But if she doesn’t like what you’re doing, she’ll throw those eyes on you in a minute!” Yes, my husband and I have seen those “if looks could kill” eyes many a days if we don’t feed her as soon as she’s hungry.
Chandra Cleveland is a Sr. Communications Specialist for Texas Health Resourcesand New Mom to Nandi.
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