'If you spend any time researching vaccines online, you’re bound to come across stories about vaccine injuries. I was stunned by the number of vaccine injuries I have found online, and felt the need to share them. It’s rare for doctors to warn parents about the risks of vaccines. People need to know that vaccines do have negative consequences, and they can be severe.
Vaccination advocates are fond of repeating that vaccines are safe and that the benefits outweigh the risks. My question to them is, how many children does it take to be killed or permanently brain damaged before you realize that vaccines are not safe? I don’t believe that a single child should have to lose his or her life in this Russian roulette game of vaccination.
As I read these stories, watch these videos, and look at the photographs of these precious, innocent children, I’m saddened to the point of tears. And I am outraged. This should not be happening to our children.
Before you decide to vaccinate your children, please read these stories. Watch the videos. Do your research first.'
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