3 Filthy Truths About Vaccines and Cancer

Clandestine medical research specializing in engineering deadly cancers as a bio-weapon

Excerpts from review of Dr. Mary's Monkey:

'In 1960, medical studies determined that the Salk injectable polio vaccine (IPV) contained the  Simian Virus 40 (SV40). SV40 is a cancer-causing virus originating from minced rhesus monkey kidney cells that were used to manufacture the polio vaccine. From the mid-50s until 1960, the SV40-tainted vaccine had been administered to about 98 million adults and children. After 1960, millions of more of the tainted vaccines were being manufactured and administered. Federal regulators did not recall the affected polio vaccine until 1963.

'Soon after the discovery of the cancer-causing virus, the U.S. Government commissioned covert projects with the purpose of weaponizing cancer.  Dr. Alton Ochsner, who pioneered early studies linking smoking to cancer, was instrumental in overseeing the cancer-causing virus project in New Orleans. His hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers established by the CIA.'

Dr. Mary Sherman, an expert in cancer research, was selected to supervise the secret research related to the SV40 virus. The monkey viruses were radiated by a linear particular accelerator to alter the genetic components in the virus. The monkey viruses would then be injected into mice to study the developing tumors. In 1964, Dr. Sherman was found brutally murdered in her apartment (she had been stabbed mulitiple times and her right arm and rib cage had been burnt away). Her fascinating story is detailed in the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey.' [End of Excerpt]

'3 Filthy Truths About Vaccines and Cancer' Starts Below:

'Parents, if biological material was used to create a vaccine and it caused cancer when injected into hamsters, would you want that vaccine injected into your child?

But, that is exactly what happened to over 98 million Americans – and likely many more! Let me explain.

In the 1950s the poliovirus was cultured on monkey kidney cells to produce polio and adenovirus vaccines. A cancer-causing virus called SV40 was discovered, however, that fact was covered up and silenced.

That is important because, to my knowledge, that congressional information hasn’t been made available to the general public until now. I’m making available some snippets of the cover-up and its relevance to you, especially if you received a polio vaccine during the 1950s and ‘60s. Before that information is revealed, you must know…'


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