To me, fitting in is an important part of life.
When I first started running, I felt like I didn't fit in, but after more training and racing, I finally feel like I belong in the running community. With triathlon, I still feel like I'm finding my place.
You may not guess, but I have a hard time fitting in with new groups of people. I tried joining up with the local triathlon club, the Cyclonauts, but I felt way out of my league. I tried riding with the bike shop's girls riding group, which was better, but I didn't feel 100% at. When I first started working out at Bia Fitness, I felt like I didn't belong either.
When everyone in a group already knows each other, I feel like the odd man out. I feel unwanted, or like I just don't fit in. I know that its not true, but I just have such a big fear of not being liked, that I freak out a little in my head.
I've been working out at Bia Fitness for about 9 months now. When I first started, I vaguely knew a few people from my gym. I still felt uncomfortable. I didn't chat with anyone before or after class like some of the others did. I didn't have a partner ready to go when I needed one. But over these past 9 months, I'm starting to feel like I fit in. I talk with people about races, or running. People ask me how my training or racing is going. I've had people to partner with. Then the biggest turning point for me, was this morning when one of the girls asked me if I wanted to join her and a few people to run on tuesday mornings.
I know to some of you, it may not seem like a big deal.
Being asked to join the running group just made me feel like I belonged.
I warned her I was slow, and she said, "Oh no big deal, we just go out to have fun."
I guess I learned a couple things.
#1 You may need to stick around through the initial awkwardness until you feel like you fit in.
#2 If you still don't feel like you belong, then maybe its not the right place.
I honestly don't think I gave the Cyclonauts or Competitive Edge group a fair chance last year. This year, I definitely plan on trying a little harder to make some new friends and fit in. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but my hope is that it will lead me to being a better runner & triathlete.
Do you have a tough time fitting in or do you love new groups and people?
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Bia fitness
competitive edge
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