Health Canada Wants Canadians Sick, Diseased and Addicted to Pharmaceuticals

'If you're a Canadian, Health Canada wants two things from you and your family. First, they don't want you healthy, and second, they want you addicted to pharmaceuticals. Any natural health supplementation you decide to adopt which advances your health and cuts into big pharma's profits is strictly prohibited. If anybody can prove that Health Canada has any other role, we welcome you to state your case. Otherwise, listen to the facts on how Health Canada's corrupt regulations are consistently preventing Canadians from obtaining natural health products. 

 For the past several years, Health Canada has been quietly removing thousands of entirely safe dietary supplements from the market. These product restrictions are now becoming more aggressive. Health food stores are not able to stock their shelves with as many specialty formulations nor as many brand names as they used to.

Soon our product choices may be reduced to about one-third of what they are now. Products unique to health food stores are disappearing, while those available in pharmacies appear untouched. Under the guise of protecting us from harm, Health Canada is actually causing harm by depriving some of us of safe products that we depend on for our health and well-being.'


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