Sometimes Good intentions lead to Margaritas....

So for day 2 of my smoothie detox...

I had my regular breakfast, minus the banana. This means 1 slice of organic whole wheat toast, 1 egg, 2 egg whites & spinach scrambled together with a little organic cheddar cheese. Green tea with Truvia on the side.

I made my lunch smoothie.
1 scoop natural vanilla whey protein
chia seeds

I forgot to add the greens! I seriously was planning on adding some spinach in, but after I poured it into my glass, I realized the mistake. Too late. Taste test? YUM. problem? The consistency got thick & gooey after letting it sit until lunchtime. I think the culprit is the chia seeds, so I omitted them this morning when making today's.

My plan was to make a tomato based one for dinner, but I forgot about a coworkers going away party. Which lead to 3 of these..
Skinny Margaritas at least! Tequila, agave, lime juice.
I had only a half flatbread pizza @ Uno's with a side salad and a taste of a few appetizers. I felt less guilty of indulging a little after my healthy lunch I had.

Today we are scheduled to get a decent size snow storm, so yoga may be cancelled. I did make it to TRX this morning, and talked to my trainer about Girls on the Run, yay!

Do cocktails throw you off track?
How do you avoid temptations?

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