12 Top Ingredients to Avoid in Personal Care Products
'The average personal care product contains about 12 chemicals. From shampoo and lotion to sunscreen and mouthwash, the products we lather, rub and spray onto ourselves may not be healthy. If you think there’s no cause for concern, you might be wrong–more than one-third of all personal-care products contain at least one ingredient linked to cancer, and less than 20 percent of the chemicals in personal-care products have been tested for safety.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate or limit the use of chemicals in personal-care products or require that all of the ingredients be listed on the label. Despite this, many manufacturers do list ingredients on product packaging and on their websites.
Check the labels on your personal care products; if you see any of these 12 chemicals, it might be wise to avoid it. You can also check for a product’s safety rating on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database.'

11 Lead-Free Lipsticks for Safer Kisses
'It isn't a pretty story. An ingredient so toxic it isn't allowed in paint or gasoline may be lurking in your lipstick.
Lead. You know that stuff that had everyone freaked last Christmas because it was in those toys from China? That stuff. So, here's The Daily Green to the rescue.
According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' widely hailed study, they found 11 popular lipsticks with no detectable levels of lead. And here's the list!
So why take the chance? These lipsticks are currently on the market, and there's one at every price point. Keep your kisser ... and those you kiss ... safer with low toxin lipsticks.'
Lead. You know that stuff that had everyone freaked last Christmas because it was in those toys from China? That stuff. So, here's The Daily Green to the rescue.
According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' widely hailed study, they found 11 popular lipsticks with no detectable levels of lead. And here's the list!
So why take the chance? These lipsticks are currently on the market, and there's one at every price point. Keep your kisser ... and those you kiss ... safer with low toxin lipsticks.'
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