Will Big Pharma Start Hacking Humans?


 In September, 2011, ABC News reported that:

Drugs now kill more people than motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. — a monumental shift that reflects gains in road safety amid a troubling rise in prescription drug abuse.
Drug overdoses and brain damage linked to long-term drug abuse killed an estimated 37,485 people in 2009, the latest year for which preliminary data are available, surpassing the toll of traffic accidents by 1,201. And the number is likely to rise as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prepares to release its official statistics in December.
…”There has been a dramatic increase in use of prescription drugs as physicians have become more liberal in prescribing them,” said Paulozzi, adding that the bulk of drug-related deaths stems from accidental opioid painkiller overdoses.”
'In response, government agents – otherwise known as elected representatives acting in your interest – push legislation friendly to the drug companies and their assorted offshoots of pharmaceutical wonder. In spite of the fact that prescription drug deaths are now at an all-time high, the pill pushers and their legalized drug runners in the medical establishment may have found a new way to keep you in a pharmaceutical coma that benefits the bottom lines of the mega-drug industry: an Orwellian, wireless implant device that will automatically feed you drugs that you neglect to take.'


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