Don't feel Sorry

I've been playing it safe lately.
In fact, I actually took 2 weeks off from running after TRX saw lunges + long run on sore legs = more knee pain. Sunday was looming with plans of a long run, which ended up on the treadmill because I'm still scared of the cold. 11 miles was the goal.
Those 2 weeks? They paid off... my knee felt great for the most part, with a couple small breaks for stretching and a couple walk breaks near the end. I do have to admit, it made me feel a little better about the upcoming Half Marathon (RnR DC). It also gave me a chance to test drive my race day outfit which is a Tough Chik, fabulous combo (preview pics soon).
My shin/calf started acting up monday night. Even after using my Stick and foam roller, I was limping the next day, and put myself at the mercy of my coworkers (How great is having an army of physical therapists to help you?). One did some mobilizations and positioning at my ankle, and thinks it may be coming from there. So I'm taped up into position, and guess what? It actually feels better! I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this is the fix!

This morning I woke up for TRX class.
Do I want to go, or not want to go?
I sat on the couch, avoiding a decision. What if it hurts my knee, I feel lazy, I have a million other things to do. But I knew I'd feel sorry tomorrow, so I got my things together and got my butt to class.
And you know what?
I'm glad I did.

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