Three Things & a giveaway winner!

1. Yesterday I gobbled up the leapyear savings. I registered for not one, but 2 half marathons! 
Aug 19, 2012
S & I had been debating this as a girls weekend away. Its 3 weeks before Pumpkinman 70.3, so it will be good to get a half marathon in. We saved $29, and spent only $61 on the race. Score!
October 13, 2012
Race price increased today, so I signed up yesterday for a sweet price of only $55 for the half marathon. If it weren't for Pumpkinman, I'd consider the full, but I know it will be too soon.

2. My green smoothie today was delicious, and I actually remembered to put greens inside! Grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, banana, spinach, a scoop of protein powder, and flax seeds. It made so much that I had enough for a morning snack and lunch. Its funny that I feel so satisfied and refreshed having this for lunch. I feel like maybe my old lunches were weighing me down. 

3. We got snow. Not a ton, but enough to make driving a pain. I hate waking up early, cleaning off a car, and shoveling, all before getting to the gym. So I decided to have Kevin do a hearing test with me last night to see if you could hear me on the bike trainer downstairs while in the upstairs bedrooms. Lucky for me, there was no noise, and I was able to pound out 70 minutes in the morning while reading a magazine.  I also counted points all day today. Yay!

The winner of the Immucell?
Lauren... at no blog I can find. I'm shooting you an email Lauren!

Who else is glad its Friday tomorrow?
Did you sign up for any races this week?

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