Anna Brown's Death

Anna Brown was 29 years old when she died suddenly last September.

She left two small children. 

Sometimes, the tragic and untimely death of a young mother commands our attention.  Anna’s death in Missouri drew a little national interest just last week. 

She died alone on a concrete jail cell floor.  It happened just a few minutes after she was arrested for trespassing.  She refused to leave a hospital emergency room while she was in agonizing pain.   

Anna Brown was homeless, had mental illness, and was on Medicaid.  Hospital officials thought she was a drug-seeker.  They were wrong. 

According to news reports, a morning fog blanketed St. Louis on September 20, 2011 – the day Anna died.  She spent much of her final day going from emergency room to emergency room begging for care.  She started at St. Louis University Hospital complaining of pain in her leg.  She was evaluated and released with a prescription for painkilling medication. 

Unsatisfied with her care, she went next door to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center.  There clinicians found tenderness in her leg, but explained that they could not treat her because she was not a child. 

Her pain was so bad that she could not walk.  So she was transported by ambulance to a third hospital, St. Mary’s, where she was diagnosed with a sprained ankle. 

But Anna Brown was afraid something more serious was wrong with her.  So when St. Mary’s said she could go, Anna Brown refused.

That’s when St. Mary’s had her arrested for trespassing.  

A police officer later reported that “they thought that she was a drug seeker.”  The police wheeled her out of the hospital in handcuffs.

When she arrived at the jail, she was having trouble breathing.  Officers placed her on the floor of her cell and left her alone.  She died within fifteen minutes of undiagnosed blood clots in her leg that traveled to her lungs.

What a tragedy.

It was compounded by others in Anna Brown’s life.   

She had lost her house a couple of years earlier to a tornado.  She lost her job shortly thereafter.  When she could no longer afford to pay her heating bills, her service was discontinued and she took to building fires in her apartment to keep her children warm.

Child protective services found out, and the state removed her children from her care.

Her mother took in the children, and reported that the family court gave her a choice – she could care for Anna’s children or Anna, but not both.  She was forced to choose her grandchildren over her daughter.

So Anna became homeless.  At the time of her death, she was using city shelters and frequenting a drop-in center for people with mental illness.  Contrary to the assumptions of the clinicians who examined her on her last day of life, she was not using drugs.

Too much of Anna’s story isn’t uncommon. 

We have all read reports about patients with mental illness “flooding” hospital emergency rooms because of state cutbacks to mental health services.

These usually suggest that patients choose emergency rooms for non-emergency health reasons because they have no place else to go. 

In defending its actions just last week – a full six months after Anna Brown’s death – St. Mary’s Hospital sounded this theme.  It issued a statementthat read in part “the sad reality is that emergency departments across the country are often a place of last resort for many people in our society who suffer from complex social problems that become medical issues when they are not addressed.”

That statement may be true.  But Anna Brown wasn’t suffering from “complex social problems” when she showed up at St. Mary’s. 

She was suffering from neglect of her medical condition.  That neglect didn’t begin at St. Mary’s; it just ended there.

And we are mistaken if we think this doesn’t happen every day in every state in the nation.

Medicaid emergency room co-pays, cuts to mental health and substance abuse treatment, inadequate funding to combat homelessness, and anti-loitering laws are all just symptoms of this neglect.

Anna Brown died from blood clots, but she also died because too many people looked past her suffering and saw a caricature of a homeless, mentally ill patient, and jumped to a conclusion about what they think such a patient represents.

Anna Brown may have visited far too many emergency rooms on the day she died, but the fault wasn’t hers.  And she and her loved ones paid the price.   

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