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Day 2
Quotation Inspiration
I love quotes, so obviously I couldn't pick just one. Here's a few of my favorites...
How many times do we get caught up on a time in the past. A past training run, a failed workout, an argument with a friend, a bad race day, a silly mistake. The great thing is that in life we can constantly redefine ourselves. We can reinvent our presents to be what we want them to be. Sometimes I still think I'm that lazy, scared girl from way back when. But I want my present to include health, fun races, and being fit, so thats what I'll make it.
At the end of my first half marathon, I thought it was a miracle that I made it to the end. Repeat that for my first triathlon and marathon. In all honesty, I would have never gotten to those finish lines without somehow believing in myself enough to sign up for those races, enough to start a training plan, enough to show up at the start line and begin.
l love this quote because so many people want to change their lives, but expect things to be different without changing a thing. I can't possibly expect my waistline to shrink when I keep eating too much, and slacking on my workouts. If I want to be the fit athlete I am in my dreams, then I need to work on things differently.
What are your favorite inspirational quotes?
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