Sore Eyes, Water Weight, Stinky or Blotchy-Simple Natural Cures That Make It Easy!

Alright it is time for me to get back to what I really like to do which is write about all the things health and foodwise that I obsess on. It seems my day to day life is a constant fight trying to find a balance between Cheetos and chocolate and fruits and vegetables. Recently my friend Ashleigh and I decided to invent the , “duck and run diet” as we liked to call it. We would eat salads, fruits, vegetables and drink lots of water so that we could gorge on the chocolate candy bowls at work creating some kind of balance (no this didn’t work bc neither of us lost a pound-lol). So, I am going to make a commitment to write weekly tips that can keep us healthy, fit and happy enjoying the good, the bad and the ugly foods . I know people will fall on the floor when I say this but it is what it is-I will not live without my wine, chocolate and Cheetos but having said that I also want to be healthy and happy and so there must be a balance which is what I endeavor to find for all of us that like me want it all. We deserve it don’t we! So, below are some EASY natural remedies to some annoying health issues:

Sore Eyes???- Try chamomile-Grab some cooled chamomile tea , soak a washcloth in it and cover your eyes with it for 5 minutes. Chamomile’s antioxidants relieve symptoms in just 5 minutes..

Water Weight got you down??-Most of us in the summer especially hold on to too much water and end up bloated like a balloon. To flush up to 5 pounds of water in three weeks, sip 2 cups of fennel tea daily.

Poison Ivy has you itching-According to UCLA researchers , immersing skin in Dawn, Joy or Palmolive detergent instantly stops poison Ivy pain and reduces outbreaks by 56 %. I had poision Ivy last summer and it was so awful and ugly and itchy! Wish I had known this then!

Stinky phew-Banish that funk!-Taking 30 mg of zinc daily stalls the growth of body odor inducing skin bacteria according to British researchers. Simple solution to the smellies!

Feeling blotchy?? Mix some honey and lemon to slough off damaged skin cells and start lightening dark spots. Mix 2 Tbs of honey and 1 Tbs of lemon juice with enough sugar to make a paste. Scrub gently then rinse.


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