The Best Part about T-Ball

Preston is four and in his second year of t-ball.  Last year was quite comical with the dirt-playing, butterfly-chasing, flower-picking, oh yeah, and the t-ball hitting.  I wasn’t sure what to expect when he started t-ball this year.  He’s grown in so many ways over the last year.  He now looks like a big boy and carries on big boy conversations.  I suppose I somewhat expected the attention span of the players to lengthen a bit, too, but perhaps that comes at age five!

T-Ball Saturdays have been fun this season.  We all have our favorite parts of the game.

The Best Part according to Daddy:
This year, the teams are made up of Major League team names.  Preston plays for the Red Sox.  This makes Daddy stand proud knowing that his boy is playing for his favorite Major League team.  Preston even has his name on the back of his jersey.

The Best Part according to Sister:
Emory, 19 months, loves to run around the stands, the dug-out, the field, the sidewalk.  She likes to talk to the other kids, play with the animals, squirm out of my arms, climb up on any climb-able feature, etc.  The best part of her brother’s t-ball game is being able to run around.

The Best Part according to Mommy:
The best part for mommy is when grandparents come to watch Preston play and help with Emory, so that I can enjoy the game and take pictures of Preston.

The Best Part according to Preston:

From chit-chatting with his friends that are on his team or the other teams, to asking every adult when it’s time to go to the playground, you might wonder if Preston’s heart is really in t-ball.  The best part could be when it’s his turn to bat; that’s much more fun than outfield time.  But, if you ask Preston the best part about t-ball, he would most likely say….the snack. 

Julie Swink is a Senior Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and Mom of two.

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