The Essential Health Bliss Balls

                                                             *Alphabet Tuesdays*

                                                        ~B~ is for BLISS BALLS!

There are soooo many bliss ball recipes out there. The part that I’m not keen on is that the majority are based on dates and other dried fruit which are super high GI.

About 8pm the other night I was staring into the pantry looking for something sweet. Let’s face it; it was a complete waste of time because my shelves look just like the ones in my health food shop. So basically I started throwing things in the food processor!

It seriously took less than ten minutes from start to finish and there’s only one thing to wash up!

1 Tbsp peanut butter (the 100% freshly ground stuff from the health food shop. None of this Kraft business)

1 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil

1 Tbsp organic cacao powder

1 Tbsp vanilla protein powder (I use pea protein)

A handful of pecans

A handful of almonds

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 banana

½ cup sesame seeds or LSA or desiccated coconut or chia seeds to coat the balls in

Whizz together in your food processor then roll into balls and coat with sesame seeds and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Makes 12.

Dairy free

Wheat and gluten free



High in protein

Rich in antioxidants

Great source of fibre

Go crazy on the variations:

Tahini –for extra calcium

Molasses –for extra iron

Spirulina –for a super nutrient hit

Maca –for lots of minerals

Slippery elm –for happy gut health

Psyllium husks –to cleanse your bowel

Flaxseed oil –increases essential fatty acids


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