President Reagan gave his first speech on the AIDS epidemic almost twenty-five years ago on May 31, 1987. This was after 36,058 Americans had been diagnosed with AIDS, 20,849 had died, and over a quarter of a million had been infected with HIV.
For years, he had been criticized for ignoring and underfunding the worst public health crisis of the late 20thcentury.
So he began his speech with a joke:

The bad joke was an inadvertent punctuation mark on a presidency too fondly remembered by both republicans and democrats today.
On matters of health, Reagan took us backwards. He was neither in touch with the nation’s growing needs nor successful in addressing them.
His inattention to the AIDS catastrophe in particular and public health in general were just two examples.
He also helped create a new generation of chronically homeless people when he significantly cut federal mental health funding as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981. During his two terms as President, he also cut funding for safety net community health centers by over 25%.
Suggesting that Reagan would be too liberal by today’s GOP standards – as both some progressives and conservatives have done – is too liberal a stretch where health policy is concerned.
It was the Bushes who were progressives by today’s standards.
Both delivered on campaign promises to expand the government’s role in health.
“Compassionate conservative” George W. Bush doubled funding to community health centers during his term and added a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.
And George H.W. Bush significantly expanded the federal Medicaid program.
Long before blogging, those of us who wished to express our opinions publicly used the “Letters to the Editor” forum in our local newspapers. When I was in the Connecticut Legislature in the 1980s, I communicated regularly with my constituents through my local newspaper.
Here’s something I wrote about presidential health policy in October 1988:
“When health insurance is necessary to pay for health care, how do we ensure that everyone has access to affordable insurance? Both presidential candidates talk about this. Governor Dukakis believes that the answer lies in the private sector, in all employers providing health insurance to their employees. Vice President Bush believes that the answer lies in the public sector, in expanding the state and federal financed Medicaid program. I know this looks like a classic role reversal, but solutions to health care dilemmas defy ideology.”
You can read the full text of what I wrote here. If you do, you’ll be either fascinated or fatigued by how little health policy progress we have made in the last 25 years.
Today, Mitt Romney, another former governor from Massachusetts, has a position on health care more similar to Michael Dukakis than to either Reagan or Bush.
Dukakis wasn’t very persuasive arguing for the private sector solution then, and Romney hasn’t been very persuasive arguing for it now – possibly because both headed a state with a long and solid reputation for making significant public investments in health.
At least President Barack Obama, the most vocal Democratic opponent of the individual mandate in 2008 who is now its leading proponent, recognized the importance of government funding for health when he said this past weekend:
“I refuse to pay for another millionaire’s tax cut by eliminating medical research projects into things like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. I refuse to pay for another tax cut by… eliminating health insurance for millions of poor and elderly and disabled Americans on Medicaid.”
But this hasn’t stopped President Obama from initiating or agreeing to multiple raids on public health funding.
Are you confused by all this? You should be. Presidents and presidential candidates have long taken confused and confusing positions on health policy with dire consequences for the public’s health.
Need some evidence? Connecticut had over 250,000 uninsured people when I wrote my letter back in 1988. Today, it is one of the states with the lowest percentage of uninsured people. It has 384,000 uninsured. Mental illness prevalence is up, autism is epidemic, obesity and its related effects have skyrocketed, and HIV still infects over a million Americans.
And our children, we all know by now, could be the first generation to live shorter lives than their parents.
An additional note on three sources: I took the Reagan speech anecdote from the book And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts (1988 Penguin edition). My constituent letter was published in the Middletown (CT) Press on October 7, 2008. Kaiser Health News provided the Obama quotation on May 7, 2012.
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