'The Dutch word, “quacksalber” (“quicksilver” in English) refers to mercury. In the 1500s, a physician by the name of Paracelsus made a salve with a bit of mercury in it. He applied it to a syphilitic patient’s rash and it supposedly cleared up. Other physicians rebutted the claim saying it had no effect, and they called him a “quack” for using “quacksalber.”
Dentists who used mercury to fill teeth were eventually called “quacks” as well, and their quackery was easy to spot. Their patients would get extremely ill and lose their appetite (as well as their hair). They quickly lost weight and appeared to be starving. That’s if they were lucky. Many of them died from the mercury toxicity.
Dentists who used mercury to fill teeth were eventually called “quacks” as well, and their quackery was easy to spot. Their patients would get extremely ill and lose their appetite (as well as their hair). They quickly lost weight and appeared to be starving. That’s if they were lucky. Many of them died from the mercury toxicity.
Fast forward to 2012… this same quackery is happening all around us. Who are the modern quacks? ONCOLOGISTS. That’s right. Oncologists are giving chemotherapy drugs to cancer patients, with exactly the same results: nausea, hair loss, and wasting syndrome. Truth be told, poisoning patients (via mercury or chemotherapy) will never result in healing.'
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