'Thousands of people die a very painful and agonizing death each year from cancer needlessly. But there is a better way. This better way I speak of is a natural non-toxic way to “Cure Your Own Cancer” using “Cannabis Oil”. Wouldn’t it be great to help someone avoid the suffering and pain of toxic chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and months of needless suffering? The goal of the CYOC web site is to help promote this better way and to help you become a natural cancer cure advocate. But before we can effectively do this, we need to discuss the mind set of many people we come in contact with on a daily basis.
Many of our family and friends know about every mistake and bad decisions we have made in our past and find it hard to believe we have the answers to their cure. It’s sometimes better if you are talking to a stranger or an acquaintance. They tend to listen to you more and take you more serious. But that’s ok. Your job is simply to learn and become as knowledgeable as possible so you can speak intelligently about cancer and pass on the resources for them to go to. You don’t need to know how drugs interact with each other and how they affect the body. What you need to know is the simple basics truth about cancer.'
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