High Fat Healing

High Fat Healing

'Some researchers speculate that the high fat intake helps repair the myelin sheath around the nerves, a structure that is damaged in such widely disparate conditions as multiple sclerosis and adreno-leuko-dystrophy (the illness shown in the movie "Lorenzo's Oil"). Children with seizures need to remain very strictly on the diet, with not even the slightest deviation towards carbohydrates, for about two years. After that time they can slowly widen their food intake somewhat.

At a time when low fat is the defining factor for "healthy" eating, I find it deliciously ironic that a high-fat diet could help with such a difficult problem as intractable seizures, and that it has been shown to be effective where drugs have failed. As someone once said, all food can be medicine, and all food can be poison; the secret is in using the right food at the right time. And there, my dear friends, lies the rub, and the reason for the many different prescriptions and recommendations in the dietary marketplace. It is essential that we keep an open mind.'


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