‘...the best architects are hermaphrodites.’

What a quote! And it’s grabbed your attention, hasn't it? I've just listened to Desert Island Discs with the Architect Charles Jenks, who amongst other things, discussed his late wife, Maggie and the development of the wonderful Maggie’s Centre's. If you don't know them, please click on the image above, and to listen to the interview on BBC iplayer, click on the image below...Excellent stuff!

Please note that we're only taking reserve names only now.

  • Is it true that sitting’s killing?
  • Can Fidget turn people’s perceptions of chilling on the sofa on it’s head?
  • Can we redefine people’s understanding of how to be fit?
  • Can small steps today take us on a longer path tomorrow?

Michael Pinsky is a renowned British artist, whose international projects have created innovative and challenging works in galleries and public spaces. His role as artist, urban planner, activist and researcher make him the ideal visionary to create innovative mediums to challenge our perceptions of what is really happening when we simply sit! For more details of this excellent interactive project that has been developed with the LAHF, please click on the sedentary image above!
International perspectives on the development of research-guided practice in-based arts in health
Health has become a recurrent topic in discussion of the role of the arts in society,   fuelled by a growing body of research into links between culture and flourishing.  In community arts in particular there has been a widespread development of projects addressing health issues.  This is a distinct area of activity operating mainly outside of acute healthcare settings and is characterised by the use of participatory arts to promote health.  There are indications that this work is developing in response to health needs of communities in differing cultures and healthcare systems around the world, but so far there is little mutual knowledge or connection of the work at an international level.

This issue of the e-journal aims to draw together well-researched case studies of community-based arts in health projects from different parts of the globe.  Each case study should explain the motivation for the work undertaken and its sensitivity to context and cultural diversity, the partnership structures and ethos developed in its delivery, and the research methodologies used.  Submissions are particularly invited that reflect multidisciplinary knowledge of the application of arts development  to health and flourishing  communities from the perspectives of applied arts, public health, anthropology, social geography, education and other disciplines. Please click on the (non-olympic-related) Human Torch above for details.
We are looking to recruit a highly experienced Participatory Arts Facilitator to lead on the delivery of a six month project which will see substantial outreach work undertaken with people with mental health issues living in St Helens. This is an exciting commission from St. Helens Council which will culminate in a site-specific performance in a library in December 2012. Click on the image below.

The Arts Council England has announced that its new Artists' International Development Fund is currently open for applications.  Through the £750,000 Artists' International Development Fund the Arts Council offers grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 to individual freelance and self employed artists based in England to build links with artists, organisations and/or creative producers in another country.  The fund is open to individual artists, including creative producers, curators and editors.  Although the Artists' international development programme is aimed at individual artists, small groups of artists who normally collaborate in their work can also apply. This could include, for example, musicians and visual artists who usually create work together, or writers and their translators. 

The closing date for applications is the 5th October 2012. Read more by clicking on this image. 

...and finally, a lovely song from the Great Mexican composer Alvaro Carrillo, and performed by Monsieur Perine, in Bogota, Colombia. 

Life is...

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