I have been getting a lot of interest about the cleanse that I do and I want to talk about it in more detail so that people understand.
I am not a supporter of cleanses normally. Cleanses where you drink only a special juice/drink for a day or more is just not a healthy way to go about it. Also your liver clears toxins from your body so I don't believe that I have all these "toxins" in my body. I do believe that your digestive tract holds unwanted bacteria and waste that gets backed up and needs cleansed for your digestive tract to function properly.
So I do that Advocare 10 day cleanse.
There is Peaches n Cream and Citrus. Honestly I didn't like the taste of the Citrus- some people do but I didn't. But I loved the Peaches n Cream. I really liked the taste and I would actually get excited for it in the mornings.
This cleanse comes with:
ProBiotic Restore™ ULTRA: Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that confer health benefits on the host. Our bodies must maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria to work at its best. When this balance is disturbed, it can have significant negative effects on our health. ProBiotic Restore ULTRA contains a superior multi-strain probiotic complex that provides four billion colony forming units (CFU) of freeze dried friendly bacteria to support your body's overall health by main-taining the normal, healthy balance of microorganisms your body needs.* This probiotic complex with six high potency strains - three species of Lactobacillus and three species of Bifidobacterium ensures full coverage of both the small and large intestines. ProBiotic Restore ULTRA helps strengthen and support our immune system, supports intestinal health and function, aids in digestion and enhances your weight loss program.*
Take on days four through 10.
Fiber Drink: Fiber Drink is rich in the mixture of fibers your body needs to work at its best.* Each serving contains 10 grams of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber to help add the fiber your diet may not provide. As part of the Herbal Cleanse system, Fiber Drink also helps move the toxins and waste material through the digestive tract while scouring your intestinal tract to support improved nutrient absorption.* Take on days one through three and again on days eight through 10.
Herbal Cleanse Tablet: The Herbal Cleanse tablet provides herbal extracts that help rid your body of the impurities that may be obstacles to achieving better health.* One ingredient, senna leaf extract, is known for its use to relieve occasional constipation, as well as to encourage the movement of waste through the intestinal tract.* Beet root powder and wheat grass juice are included to aid in the reduction of metabolic by-products in the blood and liver.* Cranberry juice powder helps cleanse impurities from the kidneys and aid in excretion through the bladder.* The Herbal Cleanse tablet also contains milk thistle extract, which has the active component silymarin. Silymarin has been traditionally used to aid in eliminating toxins from the liver and is also an excellent hepaprotectant and antioxidant.* Echinacea, astragalus, garlic, zinc and vitamin C help support the immune system.* Herbal Cleanse tablets also contain a wide range of B-vitamins to help maintain energy levels during the detoxification period.* Take on days one through seven.
(this info is off the website)
So whats the big deal? Right?
Its the diet that goes with it that I am very supportive of. It focuses on Lean protein, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats. So I am a fan!
You also have to cut stuff out like:
Processed grains (focus on wild or whole grain rice instead)
processed foods
un-healthy fats
high fat meats
deli meats
Starchy Vegetables
All Sugars (can have sugar subs)
Instead of coffee you focus on another source of natural energy-SPARKS
This is a drink that has caffeine to replace your coffee fix. It is available in Mango Strawberry, Pink Lemonade, Mandarin Orange, Fruit Punch, Grape, Citrus and Cherry. It is Sugar-free, long-lasting energy and contains 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients designed to synergistically provide a healthy, balanced source of energy*
I love to carry extra in my purse or bookbag because sometime I get a little tired during the day so ill drink one and I'm ready to go.
Next they focus on Omega-3's. If you haven't read my post about Omega 3's then check it out- this explains the importance of supplementing this into your diet.
I also take CalciumPlex, CorePlex plus iron (multivitamin) and Catalyst (amino acid supplement).
So ill give you a one day version of what I eat during the cleanse to help you understand it better.
Advocare Fiber drink
Steel cut oats with blueberries
2-3 eggs or egg whites with a piece of fruit
Sparks or Green tea
Advocare Probiotic
Piece of fruit if needed
2-3 eggs- sometimes I would mix with hummus n make my egg salad (minus the bread)
Chicken salad with lots of veggies and a little olive oil
Nuts/nut butter and fruit
Hummus and veggies
Sparks or green tea
Chicken, salmon, tilapia or eggs
Lots of veggies
Healthy fats if needed
Before bed:
Piece of fruit (I liked watermelon or a peach)
Herbal cleanse
CorePlex plus Iron
This cleanse is 10 days. If you want to really challenge yourself you can do the 24 day challenge. This starts with the 10 day cleanse then ends with a 14 day refuel phase.
If you are interested in trying the cleanse or 24 day challenge I have diet plans already made for everything, a grocery store list and lots of tips to help maximize your weight loss. Please contact me with any questions.
This is the site you use. When ordering after check out on the right you go to "Become a customer" under create a new account. This saves all your info- then email,text or message me and ill send you all the diet information. Again the site is:
Hope this helps!I love supporting people and helping them achieve their goals in fitness and weight loss. This is a challenge but it is well worth it and I am sure you will fall in love like I did.
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