Unplug! Too Much Light at Night May Lead to Depression

Photo Credit:http://www.housetohome.co.uk

'A study done with hamsters at Ohio State University Medical Center has found that chronic exposure to dim light at night can cause signs of depression after just a few weeks.1 The study also showed changes in the hamsters’ hippocampus similar to brain changes seen in depressed people.  They pointed out that rates of depression have risen along with exposure to artificial light at night:
“Exposure to artificial light at night (LAN) has surged in prevalence during the past 50 years, coinciding with rising rates of depression.”
The link could be due to the production of the hormone melatonin, which is interrupted when you’re exposed to light at night. There are many studies that suggest melatonin levels (and by proxy light exposures) control mood-related symptoms, such as those associated with depression -- especially winter depression (aka, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD).'


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