"It's not how far you climb- it's how many people you bring with you along the way."
I love this quote. It represents everything that I am trying to do. I could be one of those people in the world that wants to accomplish so much but only wants people to admire me for my accomplishments.. but I'm not. I used to have people ask me what I ate and how I worked out and that's why I started this blog. I wanted to share my information with others and help as many people as I could.
I have seen a lot of girls that post pictures of themselves because they want the attention-"look at me look at me" type of girls- you know who you are. They want people coming up to them saying that they look great but at the end of they day who cares?? Really. You look great, good for you but what did you do for someone else?
When someone comes up to me and tells me they love reading my blog that makes me so happy. I know that out of all the time I spend writing these things that I am reaching someone.
Not gonna lie it has definitely opened my eyes to the haters in the world as well. I have had so many people make snide remarks at me like- "sorry this probably isn't healthy enough for you." Excuse me? Number one I do not judge anyone else for their choice of lifestyle. You can do whatever you want and if you don't want to read my information than that doesn't hurt my feelings. Number two- people act like I'm not a normal person. You think I don't like to eat ice cream and cookies and cake and chips?? I do. Trust me I have had my fat moments where I am looking at the bottom of a bag like where did it go? I actually stress eat cereal- true life of a college kid. I am a normal person I just try to make good decision because it is important to me.
All of this is what I want to do in life. I want to help people in every aspect of their life. Stress, food, fitness, health and personal battles, you name it and I am here for you. Send me a text, email, send a message on a social network and I will help you in anyway that I can. And I want to help you.
That why I am studying to be a Dietitian and I made it my job to help people workout- Group fitness instructor and Personal training certified. Also that's why I help people with Advocare because I can help them with weight loss goals and coach them along the way through nutrition and exercise.
I would hope that one day I could do something more and reach more people with my information but for now I am all yours!
Happy to help in anyway that I can-
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