In my last post I talked about fitness competitors and how it is very common for them to develop eating disorders and I want to go into more detail about this topic with you. This is because they develop very unhealthy eating habits to try to transform their bodies to what they “think” is the desired look and then after wards they go through “competition blues.” This is the whole reason that I pursued this- I wanted to show that there is a healthy way to do this and that others can get results in a healthy manner and hopefully stop someone from harming their body.
What are Competition Blues?
Well, during prep for a competition you have a goal in mind and something is driving you to work really hard in the gym and eat really health, that being the competition of course. So afterward, competitors go CRAZY and eat as much as they can get their hands on.. and this is nothing close to egg white and sweet potatoes people. Then they feel like crap, they don’t look like they did on the competition and they have no motivation to continue what they were previously doing. It’s kind of like depression and binge eating all in one. So after they experience this they then feel the need to starve themselves because they feel so bad about what they just did and they want the results they had back =Eating disorder.
Now I am totally not pointing the finger at anyone here. This is just what comes with the territory. But I want to explain my point of view and show you how to avoid this.
#1- Many people have said to me- “you deserve to treat yourself and take a break, you worked so hard and you deserve it.” Woahhh. Um you people have this very very wrong. I DID NOT work my butt off for 8 weeks to “deserve” to eat bad food. I worked my butt off for two weeks to win a trophy and prove to everyone that you can do this in a healthy way. But if I want to treat myself I will. Shoot if you don’t know me- I am not shy about treating myself. Quote on quote from my boyfriend mouth when he describes me:
“Chelsey is strict when she needs to be but when she doesn’t, she eats like a fat kid. She loves cakes and cookies but she doesn’t worry about eating that stuff because she works so hard.”
Did you know that my friends call me Big Girl? Yes its quite the joke between all of us. They will look at me and say- “Is big girl hungry?” This is because I eat a very large amount of food for a girl and I don’t feel guilt or care that I do it because I DON’T NEED TO!!!! If I’m gonna eat a cookie and sit there and feel bad about it then why would I eat it? This drives me nuts. You don’t need to “deserve” to eat a cookie. I don’t go and spend an hour and a half in the gym to “deserve” to eat a cookie. I spend that time to earn muscle and definition. NOT to “deserve” or earn food. You people treat yourself like dogs. When my dog goes outside by himself I give him a treat. Well you don’t need to earn a treat by doing something.
And you know what?? Some of the girls in the show went up to the judges to get their scores and get advise on how to improve. Guess what they told them? -You got marked off because you are TOO SKINNY. I think that is great. I also choose not to ask the judges what I could improve on because I like my body the way it is and I don't want to be one of those people that stares at themselves in the mirror and has problems with the way my body looks. I love the way my body looks so I didn't ask and hey that what gave me confidence on stage.
So if you want a cookie, EAT IT. And don’t feel bad about it. One little cookie.. or even 5 big cookies are really not gonna do that much harm to you. If you eat 5 big cookies per day.. then that might hurt you but common seriously? Geeez. EAT THE COOKIE- I had my fair share of cookies this week.
My Week-
I did not fall off the healthy train. I ate healthy food and I did add some treats in here and there because I can. I actually drove straight from Cincinnati (where my comp was) to Whole foods and got healthy food for the week. I did buy a chocolate biscotti cookie from their bakery because it looked amazing and I did pick up dark chocolate fresh ground peanut butter and fresh almond butter but everything else was perfectly heatlhy. I also had one of my clients with me so I wanted to set a good example of what to do after a competition and not, what not to do.
(two sunny side up eggs with stir fry veggies)
(brown rice cake with dark chocolate peanut butter and my Chia seed jam)
That night my boss brought over pumpkin doughnuts and a pumpkin roll. We were having a meeting so I had a few yummy treats but that was after I had a healthy steak, spaghetti squash and veggie stir fry dinner. All week I ate pretty health and I had a few treats. I love lattes so now that I can have dairy I was sure to get a few. I did go out with my friends this weekend and had a few drinks but no I did not get hammered and yes I turned down every shot that was offered to me. That is just not something that I want to do.
Me and Lor sharing some Blue moons in Grandview
Not gonna lie though, I feel pretty crummy. I probably should have taken the sugar and dairy at a more gradual pace. I am telling you this so that hopefully someone doesn’t make the same mistake. My stomach can’t really tolerate the sugar anymore. I had a cliff bar and I felt so completely awful that all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. I don't even consider Cliff bars to even be that bad. I felt tired and my stomach has been so upset all week. Before the competition, I was eating a ton of vegetables, high quality protein and healthy fats and I didn’t have anything at all processed in my diet. So advice- slowly bring those things back in and not all at once. Now I know for round two. I also am working out everyday. Lifting and cardio just not as extreme.
My lovely mom got me these :)
I read this girls post today about her competing and I thought it was really great that she shared this with everyone and I think it is inspiring that she is trying to push through her competition blues:
Check it out.
What’s next?
Well now I qualify to compete at the Arnold and I haven’t yet committed but I am pretty sure that I am going to do it. That will give me another month off and I am planning to maintain my healthy eating and exercise till 12 weeks out where I will have more restrictions again. I also purchased a new bikini that I am so excited about! So if people want I will talk about my training process again or if not I will just keep it simple and post recipes and advice. You tell me- what do you want?
Still working on the logo and website for when I launch my Find your strong brand in January (hopefully). Also check this out:
Race For A Reason is proud to announce our OFFICIAL trainer! Chelsey Walton
Read more:
I'm making a bunch of yummy things this week and posting about abs- stay tuned.
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