Don't Be Stupid

Seriously I am about to rant because I have something on my mind that is driving me crazy. I hate when people say things when they don't know what they are talking about. Drives me up the wall insane. Seriously people.. I don't go around telling you how to manage your finances? So why do you find it necessary to tell people how to eat?

Some girl told her friend that she shouldn't eat apples. APPLES?? You have got to be kidding me. I have heard things like this time and time again. This person told me not to drink milk.. Or not to eat this or that.. Oh this is my favorite-

"I heard that alcohol makes you fat, so I am not drinking this month." Then they walk into the kitchen and eat 3 cookies and 2 scoops of ice cream.

Number one- before you take advise from Mr. Thinks he knows everything.. Think to yourself- what credibility does this person have. Yes maybe they look great but does this person have an education or some kind of certification in this topic??

I'm sorry to say this but I have a BIG problem with personal trainers because they do this ALL the time. They give clients diet plans and tell them how to eat.. But last time I checked, person trainers are certified to give EXERCISE advise! NOT diet advise.

Hey I am an ACE certified personal trainer myself and I help run the program to get others certified in group fitness and personal training, and I have to burn it into these people's skulls that they don't have the credibility to give people diet advice. They can make general recommendations as set by the ADA but that's it. So they can say- it is important to eat whole grains. What they can't say is- this is how much grains you should eat or not eat. Get it? They don't have the education to give that type of advise or do those types of calculations. But hey everyone is doing it so why shouldn't they?

That's why YOU need to make the decision about what advise you take and from who. So you should probably do some research into what certifications or education this person has. Some people also claim to be person trainers and aren't certified. Or have some easy to get certification. I would suggest looking into the top 5 person training certifications and making sure your trainer has one or find someone else! Also if you are a trainer you should look into getting certified to be a weight management or diet coach of some kind. That way you won't get reported to the government for telling people to eat a certain way. Save your tail I am telling you. And if you know someone doing this- REPORT them! They could be harming people because they don't know what they are doing.

Yes this is top 5- meaning it is a very hard test to pass.

I personally have turned down many many many people asking me to write them a diet plan. I am not a registered dietitian yet so I cannot do that. I can counsel people towards a healthier diet though. I am a Healthy Ohio Health Advising Coach and do Nutrition Counseling because I have an EDUCATION in dietetics.

Number two- if it sounds ridiculous then it probably is. Geeze an Apple? If you want to throw yourself into some crazy diet by all means be my guest, but first do some research. Why should you not eat an apple or not have milk? Know why you can't at least. Get advise from an educated person because no one has all the answers either. Also look into the harmful effects of this specific diet. If you don't eat apples.. Then can you get all your nutrients in still?

Be SMART people. Trust your gut and only listen to your body. It knows what it needs best. Remember that your needs are not the same as the next person.

I will be posting some crazy diets in the next few weeks to point out my thoughts so that you can hopefully make the right decision. But hey, if you want to still do it then I can't stop you.

I am here if you have questions-

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