I made sure I had it in my hospital suitcase so we could capture her very first footprints. Check. Made it to the hospital and home with the book and footprints. Also have all of our hospital bracelets that mark the record of us all being there that will go in the book.
When I was on maternity leave for 12 weeks the book was one of my “to dos” on the list before I returned to work. I did send off for hard copies of the gazillion photos we took those first 8-10 days and I wrote down some key details in the book, like when I went into labor, when she arrived, our first night home, etc. Since that day it has sat in the box that it came in just glaring at me. Taunting me. And now, my daughter is nine and a half months old and I still have not returned to it yet!
I think the bigger question might be: Why? One observation is that we are in an instant world with all of our mobile phones, tablets and social media. My daughter’s life is well-documented on all of those items.
And then the glaringly obviously is the fact that when you have a baby, there are simply not enough hours in a day. Once she goes to bed at night, it isn’t like I prop my feet up and relax. And it is funny how once she is asleep, I am instantly exhausted and ready to go to bed.
So, dear, sweet Shelby, in case your Mommy doesn’t get back to the baby book, here are some of your milestones. They will at least exist in the digital world. If anything ever happens to blogs or Facebook, we are in trouble!
Two months: started returning our smiles and melting our hearts
Three months: rolled from tummy to back as we cheered
Four months: your first belly laugh that was such a beautiful sound Mommy cried
Five months: working on your balance you started sitting up with some help
Six months: sitting up like a pro and hanging out in the high chair
Seven months: you're on the move, crawling everywhere and pulling up in your crib, and saying “Da-da”
Eight months:you would give a smile and wave if you were about to go somewhere you shouldn’t and your Papa J taught you how to clap
Nine months: crawling, cruising around on furniture, pulling up and standing briefly on your own and finally started saying “Ma-ma”
Makala is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources, Mom to a 9-month-old daughter, Stepmom to two boys, and a (mostly) avid planner.
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