Inadvertently CDC's fake 'swine flu' numbers exposed by CBS as a PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION(PSY-OP)!

Can we really trust the WHO's 'swine flu' numbers?

Health Buzz: In July of 2009 the WHO Stopped Counting Swine Flu Cases.

Why did the WHO stop counting 'swine flu' cases?

WHO said:

"Swine Flu Cases Too Numerous to Count."

Do you really believe this? If you are tracking a dangerous pandemic wouldn't you want to know the number of actual infections?

Is it too conspiratorial to ask if the WHO and the CDC are working together on this PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION?

Obama's 'medical emergency' decree sets the stage for FEMA to step in and 'manage' the fake crisis. Could America be turned into a "medical dictatorship" with FEMA camps used as forced quarantine centers, as well as detention centers for those who refuse to play along with the 'swine flu' hoax? Since we now know the 'swine flu' is not-- nor has it ever been the threat the Orwellian officials proclaimed it to be. So what's up?

One can't help but wonder if some sort of false flag bio-weapon is ready to be unleashed--to ensure everyone gets their shot and that the emerging, fascist dictatorship is further solidified.

"We can only hope that this is not a precursor to a major biological attack or pandemic outbreak, but it would hardly be a surprise if it was. The government has been preparing to unleash full-scale martial law upon the American public for years but whether swine flu will be enough to realize that agenda remains to be seen."
-- Joseph Watson


Then there's the corporatocracy, in particular the Big Pharma, medical-industrial complex angle. What a coincidence, Baxter Pharmaceuticals is positioned to make millions or more likely billions-- for years to come--all because government officials declared a fake H1N1 pandemic.
Read this: Baxter sees multiyear opportunity in H1N1 vaccines

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CBS exposes CDC psy-op
    psychological operation used on Americans
      H1N1 cases hyped by CDC

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