Keeping Babies Skin Health

TREATING skin should be done as a baby. Because, as an adult skin condition depends on the treatment since childhood. One way care is to choose a comfortable fashion, with the sweat absorbing material.

Skin is the largest organ located on the surface but covered almost the entire surface of the body, also has a variety of functions with disorder problems that can be local or local, and can be a symptom of serious illness.

"The skin of children and parents as a whole were different. The difference can be seen from selsel skin. In children, skin cells are still close together," said pediatrician at The Children's Health Sciences Faculty University of Indonesia Kedokt eran Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUPN, Dr. Rini Sekartini Dr. Sp . AK.

Rini said, in looking after the baby's skin this must be considered from the smallest things, because the baby's skin is very sensitive. Baby's skin is more easily absorbed substances attached to the surface of the skin. The existence of friction with the substance or substances from the outside will facilitate the occurrence of skin irritation.

"The baby's skin contains high levels of lipids, making it easier irritants through the skin. Friction occurs in between the clothes and skin, or it could be diapers and skin," said Rini, who also joined the Association of Indonesian Pediatric Unit Growth working group - Social Paediatrics.

Therefore, continued Rini, kids clothing material selection must be rigorous. Make no mistake in choosing baby clothes, because it is also associated with health.

"Because the dress or clothing contact not only on the hand, but also almost the whole body, so the skin disorder medical attention if they are not the clothes, can occur in all parts of the body. Like in the chest or abdomen, especially in the close and humid," he explained .

Rini said, there are two main factors to consider in choosing clothes or clothes for babies and children, is safe and comfortable. Secure in the sense of danger, judging from the material used clothing, the best materials are cotton, then do not wear off because the coloring is not right, not itchy or allergic skin and noteworthy use of accessories, clothing should not harm the body .

Rini said, why the different baby clothes to children or other adults, except for a thermostat (temperature regulator) is not working optimally, also because the layer of fat that have not been there in the early weeks. We recommend that you wear warm clothing during cold weather and thin in hot weather, and adjust the child's environmental conditions.

Another factor is comfortable clothing must have good air circulation, not too tight, soft, and can easily absorb sweat. In addition, the model must also be noted clothing, adjusting to the age of your baby or your child comfortable with them.

"Find a simple model of clothing, with a very safe material to children and avoid using many of accessories, clothing and child endangering," Rini said while attending the certification ceremony Oeku-Tex ® Standard 100 class 1 to Velvet Junior Kidsport Pondok Indah, Jakarta South, last week.

"Use the appropriate model age of the child, not to hinder the movement of children, especially the gross motor skills. According to experts, the factors leading to infant crying or fussing sudden discomfort caused by the outfit," said Rini.

In the meantime, Sales & Marketing Manager said Chodijah Junior Velvet, Velvet Junior as one brand of baby clothes and kids, now get the product out the standardization of the Oeko-Tex ® Standard 100 class 1 (read: okotex).

"Standardization is a guarantee that the product is very comfortable Velvet fashion for babies and children, and does not cause irritation to the skin," he said while speaking at the certification ceremony Oeku-Tex ® Standard 100 class 1 to Velvet Junior Jakarta.

"The parents have to choose a comfortable outfit in choosing baby clothes and children and also consider the material for skin health," said Chodijah.

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