One More Time: Is the Ukrainian Crisis Being Used To Force Ukrainians Back into the Vaccination Control Grid?

"Ukraine's Ministry of Health put a moratorium on flu vaccinations in September after a series of deaths, mostly of children, who had received flu vaccine at government health clinics.

The effective absence of flu vaccinations in Ukraine since then has helped widen and deepen the impact of the present flu outbreak, Hromazyn was quoted as saying."

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In other words, Hormazyn is blaming the Ukrainian people and their wise Health Minister for the depth and reach of the current outbreak. Furthermore, where is the scientific proof that flu vaccinations work? Well, there is no proof.

Whatever else is going on with the Ukrainian 'Swine' flu crisis, it should be clear by now-- to all of you reading this: Big Pharma in conjunction with "bought and paid" for governments around the world are using a plethora of underhanded tactics to "insure" people continue getting vaccinated. If the people do not wake up to this black-op soon--it will be too late to stop this madness.

Health Maven recently posted the fact that America's new health "care" insurance plan has a provision for MANDATORY VACCINATIONS. No vaccinations = No health care! C'mon folks connect the forced vaccination dots agenda. We are on the verge of PHARMAGEDDON! There is a drug war. It's Big Pharma and corrupt, puppet governments in criminal collusion against the unsuspecting masses.

jm Says:

"It all makes sense now, Ukraine is an example of Plan B if a country doesn’t take the flu vaccine, they get a special virus."

Posted on Prison Planet Forum

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