According to him, the first wave is being observed now, the second will come next spring, and the third during the autumn of 2010.
Pokanevych said that imposing quarantines and vaccination should be the main focus of flu A/H1N1 prevention in Ukraine. According to him, it would be reasonable to continue quarantine measures in Ukraine's western regions and to impose quarantine in the regions where a rate of infections may soon exceed the epidemiological threshold.
Moreover, Pokanevych insisted on the need for the urgent immunization of the population against the A/H1N1 virus.'[emphasis added]
NOTE: This URGENT need for immunization applies to the WORLD-- not just to the Ukraine. Now corrupt governments everywhere can implement a mandatory vaccination program under cover of the WHO's latest recommendation.
Do you see where this is going?
If the Ukrainians are force vaccinated this will likely be the opening phase of a WHO driven, global, mandatory vaccination campaign.
Related Post:
Ukranians need urgent vaccnation
WHO plans waves of pandemic
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