Ukrainian Chief doctor: mass refusal by citizens to be vaccinated partly to blame for A(H1N1) epidemic

Kyiv Post

Yesterday at 12:05 | Ukrainian News

Chief State Sanitary Doctor Oleksandr Bilovol sees the mass refusal from vaccination as one of the reasons for the epidemic of flu and acute respiratory diseases in Ukraine.

He said this during the conference call meeting chaired by Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Saturday.

"We have virtually stopped immunization, and the level of the disease is a consequence of the minimization of vaccination among the Ukrainian population," he said.

He said several deaths allegedly after vaccines have significantly cut the volume of vaccination in 2008-2009.

He said the level of immunization was 68% over the January-September 2009 period on such diseases as measles and 50% on other disease, whereas the desired level is 95%.

He said the government has provided regions with vaccines against seasonal flu.

He called on local authorities and politicians to help restore trust of the population to immunoprophylaxis in Ukraine.

As Ukrainian News reported, as of October 31, 13 cases of A(H1N1) flu was officially confirmed in Ukraine.

The Health Ministry on October 30 declared the A(H1N1) flu epidemic throughout Ukraine.

The Cabinet of Ministers has introduced quarantine in nine regions, banned organization of mass events, and closed schools for three weeks because of the epidemic influenza.

Original article Here

Health Maven Commentary

Mexican Deja Vu

Well well, have you noticed how the sudden "swine flu" outbreak in the Ukraine mirrors what happened in Mexico in April of 2009? It appears to be the same script in a different location. NOTE: The Kiev Post article reveals that seasonal flu vaccines had been widely administered. The article also states that the Ukrainians were distrustful of at least some vaccines (flu?) due to 'alleged' deaths reported after vaccination. One wonders, if this was a Baxter made seasonal flu vaccine?

Worst of all Chief State Sanitary Doctor, Oleksandr Bilovol sees the refusal by the Ukrainian people to get vaccinated as one of the primary causes of the SUDDEN flu like epidemic and acute respiratory diseases now proliferating in the Ukraine. Hmmm... The officials are blaming the Ukrainian people for the 'outbreak' because they were refusing the 'swine flu' jab? This appears to be a blatant attempt to stampede the Ukrainians into a future mass flu vaccination campaign. Only time will tell.

Remember the Ukrainian outbreak started, like the Mexican 'swine flu' outbreak, suddenly without prior warning. According to David Rothscum, "In fact, on 30 Oktober, Earthtimes reported that Ukraine had officially reported only two cases of swine flu, and no deaths, until last Friday." Talk about sudden!

Then there's the reports of small planes spraying the city prior to the sudden flu like epidemic. Although the officials vehemently deny any aerosol operation prior to the outbreak, we believe the people over the corrupt Ukrainian government denials. Seriously why would so many people phone the officials and radio stations to report the incident? Who would benefit from such an operation. The fact is the people have no reason to lie -- but the government might indeed!

From Prison Planet Nov.2, 2009

'The editors of local newspapers in Kiev received dozens of phone calls from concerned residents and shop owners in the Forest market area of the city reporting they had observed several light airplanes circling in the sky during the day spraying an unidentified aerosol into the atmosphere.

Retailers and local business people reported they were advised to “stay indoors” during the day by local authorities.'

Read more HERE

The timing of the Ukrainian 'swine flu' outbreak is VERY suspicious. Recently, reports from international mainstream sources have indicated that Europeans were rejecting the 'swine flu' jab in droves. The Ukraine looks and feels like another Mexican style, black psychological operation to reignite the swine flu panic and media hysteria in an effort to push more skeptical Europeans into getting the toxic swine flu jab.

Now the internet and TV news is flooded with photos of Ukrainians in masks, while hand- wringing officials militarize the outbreak, quarantine the country and tell the people they caused this devastation because they would not submit to the swine flu shot.

Meanwhile, prior to the Ukrainian emergency, in America the CDC was exposed as a lying PR machine for Big Pharma, and Obama declared a medical emergency that many feel was totally unwarranted. Perhaps, many swine flu shot, fence sitters have been sufficiently scared by the Ukrainian outbreak and will now roll up their sleeve. One thing is certain -- the swine flu agenda will continue -- one way or another.

This just in...

Surprise! Tamiflu to the rescue. Apparently, the Ukrainian government doesn't know about the confirmed dangers of Tamiflu. The Ukrainian officials have rolled out their Big Pharma, Trojan horse intervention to insure the harmful, toxic drugging of the population is done under the cover of a declared medical emergency. While Tamiflu profits soar the Ukrainian population is maimed and slowly killed. The Ukrainian government has already opined via doctors that during an outbreak of this magnitude it's too dangerous to implement a mass flu vaccination drive.

So instead they use this posion:

"This is the supply that will reliably protect Ukraine," Tymoshenko said of the shipment of 650,000 doses of Tamiflu, ITAR-Tass news agency reported. Her government plans to increase its hoard of the drug with another 300,000 doses, she added"

Tamiflu will -- "reliably protect the Ukraine" ? What has Tymoshenko been smoking? This looks like a Big Pharma drug deal with lucrative kickbacks to those in power who are posing as pillars of government altruism.

So the official Ukrainian strategy is load 'em up with Tamiflu now and shoot 'em up with the swine flu vaccine later? The basic idea --keep the toxic drugs coming. Don't offer the people vitamin D3, vitamin C and other natural interventions. This is a Big Pharma Operation. It's not about health and healing.

And get this-- Amazingly, even the WHO is reluctant to jump on the Ukrainian, Swine flu, hysteria bandwagon. But-- they will get on board soon--at just the right time!

Bottom line: This is an 'engineered' pandemic.' Mandatory vaccines can be decreed at any time. A global black-Op is unfolding and the Ukraine is the latest fall guy. The probability is that a bio-weapon was released in the Ukraine via vaccines and perhaps aerosol spraying. WHO's next?

"The World Health Organization said Monday there is no evidence that Ukraine's outbreak is particularly severe, leading some political analysts to say Ukraine's politicians are using the swine flu scare to earn political points ahead of the country's presidential election in January".

BTW: Do some research and you will find that there is an election/political angle to this sudden flu outbreak.

Source HERE

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vaccination refusal in Ukraine
    death from vaccines
      seasonal swine flu shots

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