Ukrainian Flu Just in Time for Elections?

NOTE: It's near the end of the video that the upcoming election and the Ukrainian flu outbreak is linked.

'There was another notorious incident in the Ukraine politically and that was the obvious poisoning of the current leader there Yushchenko."

Times Online: Who poisoned Yushchenko?

"MEDICAL experts have confirmed that Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine’s opposition leader, was poisoned in an attempt on his life during election campaigning, the doctor who supervised his treatment at an Austrian clinic said yesterday. Doctors at Vienna’s exclusive Rudolfinerhaus clinic are within days of identifying the substance that left Mr Yushchenko’s face disfigured with cysts and lesions, Nikolai Korpan told The Times in a telephone interview."

Source Here

Some Background:
Reuters 17/10/2008
By Ron Popeski

KIEV (Reuters) - Time is running out to stage on schedule a snap parliamentary election called by President Viktor Yushchenko for December, officials said on Friday. They cited delays caused by legal challenges and funding disputes.

Yushchenko dissolved parliament and called the December 7 poll after accusing Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, his estranged ally from the 2004 "Orange Revolution," of destroying the governing coalition through personal ambition.

Tymoshenko opposes the election as "reckless" as an International Monetary Fund mission holds talks in Kiev to help Ukraine weather the effects of the world-wide financial crisis -- a weakened currency and possible banking instability.

Time running out for PR/BYuT coalition and president/premier co-operation

Fraud Fear For Ukraine Elections

According to a September 30, 2009 Poll
53% of Ukrainians view Tymoshenko as a dictator.

Original article HERE

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Viktor Yushchenko
elections and Ukrainian flu outbreak
    Ukraine opposition leader

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