Colloidal Silver Has Been Banned Throughout Europe! Is America Next?

'Late last week our good friends at Life & Health Research Group mailed a copy of their Colloidal Silver Update newsletter to their 60,000 readers, warning them that colloidal silver was on the verge of being banned in Europe.

Little did they know that while their analysis of the situation was amazingly prescient, the expected ban had already taken place as of January 1, 2010.

Yes, you read that right: Colloidal silver has now officially been banned throughout the European Union! It can no longer be legally sold in any health food store or by any internet vendor in the EU as a nutritional supplement.'

As Congressman Ron Paul, an ardent health freedom fighter, has stated:

“Soon, all European Union countries will unify their food supplement laws to conform with rules established by a United Nations commission called Codex Alimentarius, which calls for strict regulatory control of dietary supplements. Under the Codex rules, Europeans will need a doctor’s prescription to obtain even basic levels of vitamins. Americans may soon find their supplements similarly restricted in an attempt to harmonize the regulatory playing field between the U.S. and Europe.”


How to make your own Colloidal Silver Machine HERE

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Codex Alimentarius

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