A Personal Commentary
'Vaccinations are crude experiments on innocent people. It must have been hard at first for sensible folks to believe that health could be achieved by allowing needles filled with putrid matter to be poked into their bodies. Yet, many otherwise rational human beings came to accept this practice as a logical means to achieving well-being. Many still do.
The original purpose of vaccines was to eradicate infectious disease and to ease the pain, disability, and "unnecessary" death associated with it. These hopes still underlie the decisions made by medical personnel. Other modes of healthcare, however, are also available, including our capacity to assume personal responsibility for the decisions we make about our body, and to uphold our faith in God.
Dear doctors and medical scientists: Your "adverse" and "frightening" microorganisms have no mystical power over many of us. We know that some are "dangerous" in combination with other factors. You would be the first to mock any culture upholding a belief in witchcraft, voodoo, or arcane spirits. Yet, with your germ theories and scare tactics, you cast spells and hold power over many people.
The root assumption that germs are the cause of disease must be seriously reexamined. Brilliant men and women throughout the world challenge this unsound theory. If disease is caused not by germs but rather by the choices we make regarding the care of our bodies, then allopathic medicine is built upon a straw foundation. Yet, the power of a myth can be strong. Thus, like captivating charlatans who claim that only they can remove an evil spell, you have created a belief that only you can free people from these dreadful microscopic entities. You hold the magic needle (and bewitching drugs) high above your head to signify their dominance.'
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