'James Folsom is well known, in the Rife world, as the manufacturer and distributor of the BioSolutions/Global Wellness Plus, Rife-type, bio-resonance instruments. He has been marketing this equipment since 1995 from San Diego after taking over the business from the Royal Rife Research Society. Jim has hundreds of testimonials where his devices improved physical symptoms, and in many cases led to full remission and did not have any dissatisfied customers.
In April 2003, he has raided by the FDA as part of their “Operation Cure All”, which targeted various companies in the alternative health market at the time. A lot of equipment was confiscated at the time, but then Jim heard no more for several years. Then just before the statute of limitations would have taken effect, Jim was arrested and charged with many felony counts, including selling a class III medical instrument without a license. He stood by his principles, as he saw himself as not guilty for the following reasons.
He did not need a license to sell the instrument because his equipment was Class 1 biofeedback device exempt. The instrument had been used for 70+ years, with no known harm or side effects. And the device should have been grandfathered in by the FDA, as Rife equipment had already been on the market before 1976. Jim saw this as an opportunity to clear the name of Royal Rife once and for all.He was then offered two or three plea bargains, the last of which would have him plead guilty to a misdemeanor, pay a $250 fine, unsupervised probation for a year, and he would not be able to sell his devices.
Jim, knowing the capabilities of his devices, felt certain he could fight this charge and win. He had been running his business ethically and collecting testimonials for years and so he put together a good defense team. He decided to go through with a jury trial.'
Dr. Rima interviews MR. JAMES FOLSOM (Feb.18, 2010)
Terese Buchanan
156 Lower Creek Road
Stockton, NJ 08559
February 4, 2010
Honorable Judge John Houston
San Diego Federal District Court
Dear Judge Houston,
This letter is in reference to James Folsom and the FDA case against him. I am one of the people who purchased a rife machine from James Folsom; One of the people FDA would label a “victim” in this case. I am writing this letter on behalf of James Folsom because I am alive and able to write thanks to Mr. Folsom and his rife machine.
At the time I purchased my first rife machine from Mr. Folsom, I had been suffering with Lyme disease for 25 years. The medical industry (that FDA seemingly wants to be the only legal medical protocol in this country) was unable to diagnose me for that many years. When I was finally diagnosed, I was treated with high potency antibiotics and other drugs which almost killed me and did a lot of damage to my teeth, digestive system, liver, kidney and more. The antibiotics only temporarily kept the Lyme bacteria and symptoms at bay. As soon as I stopped taking them, all of the symptoms came back, some with a vengeance.
Thanks to the Grace of God I learned about Mr. Folsom’s rife machine from someone who had recovered from long term Lyme by using it. I know I would not be alive today if I had not used the machine. The people I know who have had Lyme as long as I have and have not used it are either dead or quadriplegics in nursing homes. Likewise, the people I know who had cancer and chose the medical industry’s treatment of chemo and or radiation are dead. Those who used alternative methods including Mr. Folsom’s rife machine went on the live healthy, cancer free lives.
There may be people who are helped by drugs and surgery, but I am not one of them. And I know many people who like me, react violently to drugs, even over the counter drugs like aspirin and Tylenol. The drugs and procedures that FDA approves are deadly to me. They are not the answer for everyone and are not the only way to treat illness. The long term affects of most drugs are devastating as I and many of my friends and relatives have discovered for ourselves.
Mr. Folsom’s rife machine is a tool that I and others who are sensitive like me, can use without any harm or side effects. I can use it to get rid of a cold and many other maladies that our medical industry can not only not get rid of but in my case can not even provide anything to help ease the discomfort they cause. I can also use it to deflect the harmful electromagnetic radiation that comes from computers, TVs, cell phones, microwaves, electrical wires, etc.
In reference to the character of James Folsom, he is a good person who has helped thousands of people with his rife device and his advice on life in general. He is a teacher of peace & caring in word and deed. I know of two instances where he either gave or practically gave rife machines to people who were ill and could not afford to purchase one of his devices. One of those people was my sister. Jim Folsom is all about helping others.
I believe that there are victims in this case but they are not victims of James Folsom and Global Wellness. The victims ARE James Folsom and people like me who would purchase another one of Mr. Folsom’s machines to help ourselves or family and friends get well. If I wear my machine out or need upgrading or repair, I am out of luck and as a result; out of health and hope! And I am not alone. I believe that what FDA is safeguarding in this case is the profits of the medical industry especially the drug companies at the expense of the health and the very lives of the people of this country. I really believe that FDA is the organization along with the drug companies and rest of the medical industry who should be prosecuted for pushing drugs and procedures that are deadly and cause more harm and deaths than the illnesses they are being used to treat.
I implore you on the part of ALL people like me who need Alternative Medicine to stop FDA and free James Folsom and reinstate his business and property, etc. Thank you.
Terese Buchanan
P.S. My grandfather had one of the original rife machines in the 1930’s. He used it to treat colds and other “bugs” my dad picked up as a child. It worked back then but it works even better now. If you ever get cancer or Lyme disease, you will be much better off using one of Jim’s devices than anything the medical industry offers you.