'To have any public credibility doctors have to honor their
medical oath and be reasonably in tune with medical truth. This is
exceedingly hard to do if one has bought the pharmaceutical paradigm.'
'I would like to offer a way for doctors to redeem their credibility in the face of their peers, their professional organizations, humanity and God on at least on one important issue that is cracking the foundations and integrity of contemporary medicine. We are dealing with soul issues here because we are talking about the deliberate injection of newborns, children, and adults with the third most toxic substance known to man and that is mercury. Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive element on Earth, and The World Health Organization said that there are no levels of mercury that can be considered safe.'
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- Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence
- Eric's Life Before and After the Vaccine....
- Flu Shots Contain More than 250 Times the EPA’s Safety Limit for Mercury
- When the Blood Boils
- Two Minutes in the Life of an Autism Mom Vs Normalization of Autismization (caution, strong language)
- Are You Toxic from Mercury?
- Sixth Study in Recent Months Links Mercury in Flu Shots to Brain Damage, Autism
- The Vaccine Cover Up: Why the FDA is Attacking Chelation Therapy
- "Autism: Made in the USA" Film Critics
- Confrontations with Mad Mercury Doctors
- Deadly Immunity Investigative Report of Government Mercury / Autism Scandal - Part 1 of 3
- Autism Jumps 57% in Just 4 Years
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield - BREAKING NEWS - MMR Vaccine~Autism Link Confirmed
- This Is Autism: Video of the Reality
- Cures To Autism Do Exist
- Autism Linked to High-Fructose Corn Syrup
- Autism and Vaccinations: Will Your Pediatrician Tell the Truth?
- Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence
- Vaccinated By FORCE - NOW AUTISTIC
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- Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride part 1
- When the Blood Boils
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- What Bruesewitz v. Wyeth Means for American Families
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- SafeMinds - Vaccines and Autism - Time to Get The Truth- CENSORSHIP!
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- Jenny McCarthy: Who's Afraid of the Truth About Autism?
- Reversing Autism with Homeopathy
- Deadly Immunity Investigative Report of Government Mercury / Autism Scandal - Part 1 of 3
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